Dominique Alize
Hey everyone, my name is Dominique Alize and I am from New York. I love to eat and travel, to sum it up I love going on adventures. I just started my own food blog, "@FoodWithAlly" on Instagram and my goal is to become the female version of Guy Fieri. I am currently studying Mass Communications with a concentration in Public Relations at Delaware State University. I am also apart of the Delaware State Equestrian team and aside from being a food blogger, I would love to become an A&R Coordinator for a major record label. I am super excited because I am graduating in December of this year, 2017.
After graduation, I would love to pack up all of my things and move to the west coast of the United States and start my life.
My motto in life is, "everything happens for a reason". I have learned over time that you can not control certain aspects of life and whatever happens, happens for a reason regardless if you know it or not.
I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid to die before I accomplish all of my dreams.
Love is the scariest thing to me.
Where things get complicated.
Instagram: @_alize and @foodwithally
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